Pictures from Village Harmony Youth Camp concerts in Vermont, July 2000

The Concert on July 23 at the Bread and Puppet Theater




The Concert in Barre on July 24, 2000

Click on the images above to load a page of "thumbnails". Click on the thumbnails see larger photos.


If you enjoyed these photos, you may also be interested to see pictures from the Village Harmony Adult Camps in 2000, the Adult Camp in 1999, and in Macolm Dalglish's Ooolation Camps in 2000 and 1999.


These images are 600x450 pixel compressed versions of the originals, which the camera shoots at 1600x1200. The originals can be used to make photographic prints, or just to keep if you want better copies ditigally, but I don't link them unless requested, because they're between 300 and 1000 kilobytes each. If you want the originals, or you want to get good prints, see my digital pictures page for more details.