Village Harmony Wants You!

Photos and reminiscences from the 1999 Village Harmony adult camp at Burke Mountain Academy

The setting: Burke Mountain Academy
Singing: That's why we went!
Having fun: there was a lot of that...
Other things: Oh yes, we're a multitalented bunch!
Bill's pictures: Thanks for sending these Bill!
Bill's pictures from the VH concert at Montpelier
Bill's pictures from the VH concert at Westminster West on July 24.
Jim's pictures from the camp.
David's pictures from the camp and after.
Susan's recipes from the camp and after.
Some songs and poems from the camp and after.

Here're some a "Real Media" clips from rehearsals at Burke Mountain

You'll need a RealAudio or RealMedia player or an MP3 player to hear them.
First stanza of a rehearsal of Ajiya Mozambique in RealAudio format.
Boulder in RealAudio, and also Boulder in MP3 format (1.15 MB).
Weeping Mary in RealAudio, and also Weeping Mary in MP3 format (800 kb).
Kviria in RealAudio.

Here're some a "Real Media" and MP3 clips from the concert at Saxon's River

You'll need a RealAudio or RealMedia player or an MP3 player to hear them.
Showers of Blessings in RealAudio, and also Showers of Blessings in MP3 format (2.5 MB).
Boulder in RealAudio, and also Boulder in MP3 format (2.7 MB).
Weeping Mary Intro in RealAudio, and also Weeping Mary Intro in MP3 format (158 kb).
Weeping Mary in RealAudio, and also Weeping Mary in MP3 format (1.5 MB).
Intro to the three french songs in RealAudio, and also French songs intro in MP3 format (1.5 MB).
A La Vie in RealAudio, and also A La Vie in MP3 format (1.6 MB).
O Lillium con Vallium in RealAudio, and also O Lillium con Vallium in MP3 format (2.4 MB).
Je le mau in RealAudio, and also Je le mau in MP3 format (1.3 MB).
Tsmindao Ghmerto intro in RealAudio, and also Tsmindao Ghmerto intro in MP3 format (.5 MB).
Tsmindao Ghmerto in RealAudio, and also Tsmindao Ghmerto in MP3 format (1.8 MB).
O Jelo Jelo intro in MP3 format (300 kb).
O Jelo Jelo in RealAudio, and also O Jelo Jelo in MP3 format (1.9 Mb).
Mala Moja intro in RealAudio, and also Mala Moja intro in MP3 format (750 kb).
Mala Moja in RealAudio, and also Mala Moja in MP3 format (1.4 Mb).
U Naseg Marina intro in RealAudio, and also U Naseg Marina intro in MP3 format (1.4 Mb).
U Naseg Marina in RealAudio, and also U Naseg Marina in MP3 format (1.4 Mb).
Padaj Kiso and Kisa Pada intro in RealAudio, and also Padaj Kiso and Kisa Pada intro in MP3 format (530 kb).
Padaj Kiso in RealAudio, and also Padaj Kiso in MP3 format (1.3 Mb).
Kisa pada in RealAudio, and also Kisa pada in MP3 format (1.3 Mb).

Photos from various places we went or stayed

Bear in mind, these copies are less than 1/3 the size and resolution of the originals...
If you plan to print them, please contact me to get the full size ones, or wait until I send the CD!
Bread and Puppet Museum
Bread and Puppet Sing
Our Barton concert
Lunch at MaryCay's house
Saxton's RiverSwimming below the bridge
Our Saxton's River concert Joanne's friend(?) Daniel took these for me...
Some of us stayed at Kathy's house

Photos of recreation time

June 27
June 28
June 29 during the day
June 29 during the evening
July 30
July 1
July 1 -- the aerobie
July 2
July 3

Photos of singing and rehearsing

June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
July 1
July 2

There was a new "sister" camp to Village Harmony, for teens
Ooolation, with Malcolm Dalglish, Moira Smiley, and Evie Laden,
being held in Brown County, Indiana, July 10-17.

Pages created with photos by Kevin Atkins, such as they are.
The larger size photos available on these web pages are much reduced from the originals, which are
1600x1200 pixel images, around 500kb each shot using an Olympus C2000Z digital camera.