Interlochen 2000 Alumni Weekend

Pictures from the Interlochen alumni weekend activities

Go back to my Interlochen 2000 pages.

In case you're seeing this because I've taken pictures of you and you'd like prints, I've found a place which does a decent job of printing digital photos (on photographic paper), for about 50 cents per print.

EZ Prints in Florida. I can't vouch for them more than to say I had them print 20 shots from a wedding, and the prints were as good as if they had been film shot using a snapshot quality camera. (In other words, just OK.) They were at least faithful to the orginals (made me wish I'd color corrected them!).

Here's the drill: Go to their web site, and read up on the service. If you want to do it, download their software, and also download the pictures you want from my site -- please contact me for the high-resolution originals, if they aren't already linked to the screen-sized ones -- the prints will be terrible if you start with the 600x450 pixel photos I usually post on my pages. If you tell me which ones you want, I'll be happy to link them to the originals for you, I just don't always do it because they're large, both in screen size and file size. Once you have the EzPrint software and your own copies of my pictures, you can send them to EZ Print.

Here are the URLs to several other services. I have no personal experience with any of them so I can't tell you how they work, or how well. But just as a reference:

last updated April 2, 2000
Actually, it turns out you can go home again.
Comments, communications, congress: Kevin Atkins